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How do I use skincare products

If you are like most people you dip your finger into your skincare and then rub the lotion or cream into your skin until it is all absorbed. You learned from television how to apply your skincare or you saw a relative or friend do it and figured out the rest from there.

Today, you are probably going to learn something new and if you adopt the new ways of applying your skincare you will save money too!

The skin can only absorb so much and must be prepped to absorb your product. When you have been out and about and you have sweat, dirt particles and other impurities on your skin, applying a product is not going to be very useful (the exception is sunblock when you protecting yourself while out)

Your skincare routine does not have to be complicated. 3 Steps is all you need to give your skin the best chance of staying radiant. With that said, these days there are a ton of products and the list is growing week by week.

The table below gives you a suggested order to apply your skincare,

The general rule of thumb is to apply your product from the least viscous (runny) to most viscous (oily serums etc.)

That rule isn’t 100% accurate but a good starting point. To understand in which order you should apply what, you really need to understand “what” each product does.

If you think of it logically.


Your face wash contains surfactants that cling to oil and grime on your skin. Water alone can’t remove oils as it can’t interact and grasp them.
A surfactant molecule has a hydrophilic or water loving head and a lipophilic or oil loving tail. When used the tail attaches itself to oil particles on your skin while the head attaches itself to water soluble particles on your skin. When you use water to rinse, you “flush” away all of the impurities (Because the head attaches itself to the water and is dragged away).  Check out this video from the Cleaning Institute to understand how cleaning agents work.
Your toner contains soothing ingredients, humectants (a substance used to prevent loss of moisture). It helps to shrink pores and to remove any remaining dirt particles from your skin. It balances out the PH of your skin after cleansing and protects the skin
Probably the most overlooked item in skincare. Some toners contain alcohols and astringents (causing the contraction of skin cells). These can be very helpful to help shrink pores and control oiliness however those can have a drying effect on your skin. Instead opt for toners containing hydrosols to target your skin’s specific needs instead of those with alcohol.
ACTIVESVitamin C serums are hydrating (plumps inner skin cells) and can even out your skin tone. Retinoids (Retinol or Vitamin A) are powerful anti-ageing products. A Salicylic Acid serum will help to reduce blackheads and whiteheads by penetrating into the deeper layers of your skin to dissolve keratin and unclog pores. Hyaluronic Acid helps your skin to stretch and flex and has also been shown to reduce scarring. It is a powerful moisturiser. With all ingredients, make sure you understand the risks and cautionary measures associated with its use.
A good quality moisturiser will moisturise and hydrate your skin without leaving a greasy residue.
Moisturisers helps smooth the outer layers of your skin to appear more youthful and has hydrating qualities which will plump the inner layers of your skin.
You want to lock in the moisture. Any serums (whether water or oil based) that contain occlusives will seal the skin locking in the moisture, preventing loss.   
Ingredients to look for: Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Niacinamide, Argan Oil, Baobab Oil, Cocoa Butter, Jojoba Oil, Lanolin, Shea Butter and many more.  
Sunscreen – wear it! Double the effectiveness of your skincare routine by protecting your skin from sun damage.
You want to apply a sunscreen to make sure everything is protected from the sun. If your moisturiser does not have a SPF filter then definitely don’t forget to apply

Now, let’s look at “how” you apply your skincare, and how much should you use.

You will notice that for the application of most of the product, I describe a method of warming a small amount of product between your hands and then gently press on your skin to apply. I like to visualise this as turning the tap to a small stream to fill a bottle instead of turning the tap on full and the bottle not filling as fast because the water is flooding over the edges. I find that visualisation to be helpful in reminding me that I want the product to be used optimally for efficiency and cost sake.

CleanserIf you wear heavy makeup or mascara consider using a makeup remover prior to your cleanser / wash. You can use any lotion as a cleanser too. Gently apply the cleanser to your eyes and then wipe off with a soft damp cloth or cotton pad that’s been heated in water.
Regardless of the type of cleanser you use, you should not need more than about half a teaspoon.
For mature and sensitive skin, consider using a cream cleanser instead. Those typically contain a re-fatting agent leaving your skin feeling hydrated.
Instruction: Apply a small amount to damp hands / fingertips. Apply the cleanser to your face while moving your hands/fingers in a circular motion. Apply to your cheeks, forehead, nose, mouth, neck and eyes. Gently move the cleanser around our face.
Rinse your face by scooping water in your hands and gently splashing your face. Note: I find it easier to do this in the shower so I can use the spray to rinse. Once you understand the function of surfactants then it is easy to visualise the cleanser grabbing onto the dirt particles and the water rinsing it away.
Our product: Our gel cleansers uses the most gentle surfactants and we formulated these to reduce the amount of bubbles so you can focus on cleaning your face without running out of breath from bubble overload.
You’ve run out – now what? In a pinch, use your body lotion to remove makeup and use a shower gel or even shampoo to wash your face. It’s not formulated to be quite as gentle as a facial cleanser but in a pinch it will do.
ScrubAt least once a week use a scrub to gently remove remove any buildup of dead skin cells and promoting circulation and skin cell turnover. As it works on the top layer of skin it is a must for smoother, even skin tone. A scrub can also help remove dirt from your pores. Many cleansers now contain a mild abrasive. A weekly scrub is still beneficial.
Instruction: Depending on your product, you will need about a teaspoon full. Add the product to your fingertips. Dab some product on your cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Note: Do not apply scrub to your eyes or the eye socket. While moving your fingers in a circular motion, move the product around your face. Visualise the dead skin cells and your fingers gently “polishing” those away. Don’t rush this process. Your skin will be glowing afterwards!
Our product: Coming soon – Salicylic Acid face wash. Option of 0.5% or 2% Salicylic Acid with scrub to target acne, blackheads and whiteheads.
You’ve run out – now what? Finely grounded salt or sugar will do in a pinch. So will coffee grounds. Mix a teaspoon of sugar with a teaspoon of body wash or lotion and apply.
TonerInstruction: Okay, hear me out. You have been taught to dab a cotton pad with your toner and then drag the pad over your face to apply the toner and clean anything left after your facewash. I find that a wasteful way of applying toner. Furthermore, most toners contain humectants (draws moisture to your skin) which means you can use them throughout the day to re-hydrate your skin. By using a toner in a spray or spritz bottle, you use less product, get better coverage and you are being gentler on your skin. Give it a go!
Traditionally: Wet a cotton pad and wipe your eyes, nose, cheeks, forehead, chin and neck to remove any dirt that your cleanser did not remove.
We recommend: Sprits on (one to two pumps) your face then “dab” off with a clean towel.
Our product: Our product made with Rose Hydrosol (The byproduct of the extraction of Essential oils from Roses) comes in a spray bottle for easy application. Use throughout the day when you need a refreshing boost for your face. Used sparingly it won’t interfere with your makeup either!
You’ve run out – now what? Green tea, herbal tea or rosewater makes excellent substitutes. If you are using a herbal tea, make sure that it won’t stain your skin. If it stains your tongue when you drink it then it most likely will stain your skin.
Actives (Optional)Instruction: Less is more! Use a drop or two, spread the product between your palms to heat it then gently press your hands onto your skin. Your skin will absorb product up to a point. The molecules in your skin are small. Some of the molecules in your product may actually be bigger than what can penetrate into your skin. Depending on their function, this could be perfectly okay (Hyaluronic Acid is a good example here). If you lather on your product, once your skin cannot absorb any more, the product will simply glide off or be rubbed off on your pillow or cause your makeup to falter.
Our product: We include Bisabolol which is a penetration enhancer derived from German chamomile. This power ingredient helps our powerful actives penetrate deep into your skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and to help your skin glow.
You’ve run out – now what? The use of actives are purely optional and used to target specific skin concerns. Some common actives are Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid etc. Make sure that you are using the product as per the usage instructions listed by the manufacturer. Some products cannot be used in conjunction with others and some (Retinol) is phototoxic (meaning it will damage your skin when exposed to sunlight)
MoisturiserInstruction: Again, less is more! Use a pea sized amount and rub your hands together to heat them. Now press your hands over your face and neck to apply the product. A good moisturiser is a must have. If you do noting else, moisturise!
Our product: Our moisturisers are designed to make your skin soft and radiant while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Our all natural ingredients are kind to the most sensitive skins with many of our customers with Rosacea and other skin conditions expressing their gratitude for the “first product” that works with their skin concerns.
You’ve run out – now what? In a pinch you can use, coconut oil, Shea butter or Aloe vera gel. Sunscreen also contains some moisturising properties.
Instruction: Use a drop or less. Apply to your hands and rub together to warm your hands. Now press your hands onto your face. Yes, that is it!
Our product: Our Rejuvenating serum is supplied in a roller bottle. Simply put a small dab of product on each temple and then gently work it into your skin or apply to your hands and use as mentioned above.
You’ve run out – now what? Rosehip oil, Coconut oil and Sunscreen can all help lock in the moisture on your skin.
SunscreenInstruction: Depending on the SPF factor you should only need a small amount for daily use. Apply before your makeup to give your skin additional protection throughout the day. If you are going to be in the sun and you are wearing makeup, apply using the product warmed on your hands then press your hands onto your skin (Make sure to cover every part of your face)
Our product: Our product does not contain sunscreen or sunblock (yet) With that said, keep using sunblock – we highly recommend this to optimise your skincare routine.
You’ve run out – now what? Stay out of the sun or limit your exposure. Even a single sunburn can cause significant damage to your skin. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it is not happening.

What application tricks do you have?

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